January Newsletter 2024

To start the new year, we’re excited to share some updates with you from the last few months of 2023. Pictured above is a snapshot from a Boxes of Love event that we attended. It was a great event with over one hundred attendees. Below, President of RAO, Bob Magan shares a moving update from this event.

Update from RAO President, Bob Magan

On November 11th Rise Again partnered with Boxes of Love for the Homeless at their Berlin Day of Caring. The event was packed all day with people! We estimate that over a hundred people showed up to receive the care that both organizations offered. Rise Again brought so much clothing and personal care items that we had to set up some of it outside.

The day started as any other with the team meeting at the location to set up and be ready.  Both organizations were ready early so we opened the event an hour earlier than planned.

One of our first interactions we had was with a gentleman looking for a winter coat. We spent some time offering him various options from our supply and he found one he liked.  When he asked how much it was, to his amazement, we said it was free.  We told him there was more inside like a food pantry from the Boxes of Love. When he returned outside to leave, he stopped and had to put down three bags of food to give us all a fist bump.  He was overjoyed and left refreshed and warm in his new coat, gloves, and hat.

Later, a family with four kids arrived at the event. They shared that their roof had recently collapsed. Thankfully, everyone was able to get out safely and temporarily stay at a hotel nearby. However, they had to leave behind all their belongings except the clothes they were wearing. When they left the Day of Caring, they each had a coat, gloves, hat, more clothes, and food.  They too left overwhelmed by what they were able to gather for their family.  

It is stories like these and many others (more than we have room for in a newsletter) that make Rise Again who we are.  It is truly a blessing to help others in their time of need by sharing God’s love through meeting their temporal needs. Meeting people at these events opens the door for us to share how much God loves them and provides for their physical and spiritual needs.

We’re happy to continue partnering with Boxes of Love in 2024!

Here are our upcoming events with Boxes of Love this year. Some locations have yet to be determined. Check our Events tab for updated times and locations!

What’s New with RAO?

In response to our reduced number of Mobile Mission stops, we have recently opened our warehouse at 34 Staniels Road in Loudon. Our first Warehouse Shopping event was a test to see if this is something that would truly benefit those in need. The Lord brought over 70 people in just the three hours we were open. We were astonished at the turn out, given that the event was limitedly promoted. We decided to continue opening up the warehouse and have had at least 70 people or more at each event. The most recent event was held on December 16th and we estimate around  90 people stopped by. Because there is minimal set up and tear down, The warehouse shopping has been very successful not only for those that come, but for our volunteers who run the event. The warehouse is typically open for 3 hours, 9-12 or 10-1 on Saturdays, but we are looking into having warehouse shopping evenings throughout the week or even late afternoon on Saturdays.

If these events continue to be successful, we  may consider the option of finding a more retail oriented location and open a Rise Again store location. This would require a significant increase in our fundraising as we pay off our current loans on the warehouse location and look to rent some retail space. These events, though allowing us to serve more people in this environment, would also require even more volunteers. If you or someone you know would like to partner with Rise Again Outreach, either financially or by volunteering, please reach out to us at info@riseagainoutreach.org

We need volunteers for our Warehouse Shopping events!

Working at a shopping event is a great way to serve others in need. Consider volunteering with us, either as an individual or with a group!

If you’re interested in volunteering, click the button below and send us an email. We’d love to have more help bringing the Gospel to those in our communities.



If you are interested in making a recurring or one time donation to Rise Again Outreach below are a few ways that you can get involved:


If you’d like to partner with us financially you can donate by check or online!

Checks can be sent to our office at:
34 Staniels Road, Suite 5
Loudon, NH 03307. Or click the button below to donate online

Donate Clothing and Personal Care Items

For a complete list of items needed, check out our partner tab!


At your church, school, or workplace encourage community involvement with Rise Again Outreach!


Prayer Requests

  • Pray for the coming year that the Lord would bring people that need physical and spiritual needs met.

  • Pray that the Lord would bring volunteers to serve with us on our Mobile Missions events and at our Raceway Ministry event this summer.

  • Pray for continued healing and restoration for those in our prison and healing ministries.

  • Pray with us as we consider renting a retail space in the future to bring clothing and personal care items to those in need.

  • Pray for the Lord to meet our financial needs as we continue to pay off the loans for our warehouse location.


April Newsletter 2024


October Newsletter 2023