October Newsletter 2023

As we work to revamp our communications, we’re so excited to be regularly sharing updates about everything happening with Rise Again Outreach! Going forward you can expect quarterly updates about all our events, what to look forward to, ways that you can volunteer, and prayer requests.

Rise Again Mobile Missions Recap

This year has been so exciting as our mobile missions vans make their way to communities all across New Hampshire in need of clothing and supplies. Pictured above you’ll see one of our Mobile Missions vans set up at the Exeter Housing Authority. It was great connecting with the community there and distributing clothes and other necessities.

Look at the October Mobile Missions schedule below, to see when our vans will be near you!

October Events

For updates regarding all of our events, check out our Events tab on our website!

Raceway Ministry Update from John White

This past NASCAR race was like none I have experienced in the 16 years I have been a part of the ministry at New Hampshire Motor Speedway. 

First, we had over 50 of you with us throughout the weekend representing Rise Again Outreach! We had teams to set-up on Thursday; people providing food with smiles and love; dedicated men and women ministering to children through the Pinewood Derby; ambassadors inside the track assisting fans; and so many golf cart drivers to aid the elderly and handicapped. Thank you to all that volunteered, your generosity did not go unnoticed.

The Pinewood Derby is the longest serving ministry and predates Rise Again taking over the Christian Ministry at NHMS. This year we had eight children accept Christ through the dedicated teams who invest in the lives of children at the track. 

RAO president, Bob Magan, and a team from his church put on a free pancake breakfast for the campers as another way to share God’s love with those camping at the racetrack.

Sunday! A day I will never forget! The rains came down and the floods came up! I attempted to preach inside our tent that Sunday morning. Every three to four minutes, one of the attendees used a broom to push the pockets of water off the tent to prevent it from collapsing. I had to use my “outdoor” voice to its maximum as I was not plugged into a sound system, often having to pause because no one could hear me. 

Soon after the chapel service we heard that NASCAR had postponed the race to Monday. Monday! I went into the Operations Office early in the morning and was told to plan on only 5,000 fans for the day. What the officer didn’t know was that his number would actually be quadrupled. To keep up with the number of fans, the Raceway Ministry needs a bare minimum of 25 volunteers to drive the handicap shuttles, with 30 or more being ideal. We had only 10 of us and four had never driven a golf cart. Our dedicated leader of that team and dispatcher, Bob Phillips, had to return to work. So, without a dispatcher and only a total of 10 drivers to assist the elderly and handicapped in a crowd of 20,000, we launched into our day! One volunteer, Diane, became our dispatcher. I brought her to the tower and Race Control. She did a great job and we’re thankful for her assistance! At the end of the exhausting day we each said it was a great experience and would be back next year. God sustained us!

Tuesday, I returned back to the track to take care of loose ends we might have overseen in either the rain of Sunday or the shortage of help on Monday. I stopped in and spoke with the Vice President and General Manager and his Senior VP for Marketing. The General Manager’s first statement to me was: “What on earth are you doing here after what you did the last 5 days? It seemed like every time I looked out I saw one of your handicapped carts going by with people on them.” I smiled broadly,  thanked you all in my heart, and praised God. “Your team is incredible!” He said. Yes, you all were! 

Serving the Lord…and each of you!

John White


Prayer Requests


Are you or a group interested in volunteering with Rise Again? We’re always looking for help whether out on the road or in the warehouse. Contact us today to volunteer!

As we enter these next few months, would you be praying with and for us? Pray that the Lord would open opportunities to share the Gospel with people that we meet on our Mobile Missions, and in our other ministries.

  • Pray for the eight Children that accepted Christ at the Pinewood Derby, that the Lord would make Himself real to them and continue to grow their faith!

  • Please be in prayer for our Pinewood Derby leader, LeRoy Myers. LeRoy has only one kidney and a stent in that kidney dislodged a week ago and he is currently on dialysis. He is improving, but this is an unwelcome challenge in his life.


January Newsletter 2024