April Newsletter 2024

2024 has been off to a great start! Pictured above is a snapshot from a Boxes of Love event that we attended in Keene. We always love getting to partner with other like-minded organizations that are dedicated to helping those in need. Below is an update from Bob Magan regarding the event and the specific ways God used RAO to meet people’s needs.

Boxes of Love Event in Keene Recap

Written by Bob Magan

On February 24th, we attended the Keene Day of Caring with Boxes of Love for the Homeless. Rise Again Outreach partners with Boxes of Love for the Homeless on their Day of Caring Events. We provide clothing and personal care items, while BOL provides other necessities such as haircuts, food and more.

Despite the blustery cold day,  we had a good turnout. There were probably 75 people that attended the event.  We set up outside the 100 Nights Shelter in Keene. We’re thankful to 100 Nights for promoting the event. One family that attended the Day of Caring, a mom and her three kids, told us they were living in a nearby apartment and both she and her husband had been out of work due to illness or injury. They did not know how they were going to buy food that week, much less the needed clothing for their toddler aged daughter. Her husband had come home that morning with a flier he picked up at a local store about the event. They came right over and were able to get food from the Boxes of Love Food pantry and clothes for their toddler. In fact, the toddler loved the outfit so much she made her mom take her in the building and change into the new outfit. They went home very grateful for the help they received.

God heard the silent prayer of this family and answered. It’s a blessing to be able to be the hands and feet of Jesus to families or individuals in need.

April Events

Here are our upcoming events for April. Visit our events on our Facebook page and let us know if you’ll be there.

Thank you to Chris McPhail and Hello to Beth Courtney

After 10 years of dedication and hard work as our Office Manager, Christine McPhail has decided it is time to step away from managing the office. While Chris is leaving the office, she intends to volunteer from time to time to help when needed. She will be missed in the office but we want to say a very heartfelt thank you for all that she’s done! Her work has been vital to the inner workings of Rise Again, and we’re so blessed and thankful to have had her on our team!

Because of her dedication, she has spent the last two months training and bringing our new Office Manager up to speed. Join us in welcoming Beth Courtney to the Rise Again Outreach family! We all look forward to working with her and are thankful that the Lord has filled this need.

RAO’s Current Needs

Below is a list of Rise Again’s current needs. If you have these items please consider donating your gently used or new items.

  • Youth and Toddler Size clothing and shoes

  • Men’s Shoe Sizes

Click here to see a drop site near you! We appreciate your help in getting these necessary items to those in need.

Rise Again Outreach is also in need of financial support. Recently, one of our Mobile Missions Vans did not pass inspection and will need to be replaced. The anticipated cost of purchasing a used newer model vehicle would be upwards of $20,000. Please pray about donating even a small amount to this need. We are trusting the Lord to meet our needs in this area through generous partners.

Donations can be made online or by check. Click here to learn how you can help meet this need.

RAO wants to Connect with You!

Rise Again Outreach would love to connect with your church and spread the word about what God is doing in New Hampshire. If you would like a representative from Rise Again to come and speak to your church contact us at info@risegainoutreach.org or through our contact form on our website. We look forward to connecting with more churches across New Hampshire that are passionate about bringing care to those in need.

Prayer Requests

  • Pray that the Lord would provide us with a new Mobile Mission’s van.

  • Pray for the coming year that the Lord would bring people that need physical and spiritual needs met.

  • Pray that the Lord would bring volunteers to serve with us on our Mobile Missions events and at our Raceway Ministry event this summer.

  • Pray for continued healing and restoration for those in our prison and healing ministries.


July Newsletter 2024


January Newsletter 2024